Gigantic accounts

What is a Gigantic account and how do I set one up?

Gigantic account is your own personal and secure login to to make purchasing tickets quick and easy. You can set up an account by going to and clicking "My Account" in the top right hand corner of the screen. From here you simply follow the on screen instructions and you'll be set up in minutes.

Do Gigantic store my card details?

Card details are sent directly to our payment processing bank, we get back a unique reference which we can then use to link your account to your card. This means that Gigantic do not and will never have access to your card or bank details at any stage making it completely secure. Only the last 4 digits of your card number are available to our staff and this is what will be displayed in your account. You can chose to remove this from your account at any point, but with your card details saved to your account you will be able to login and purchase tickets in seconds!

Do I need to make Gigantic aware of changes to my account?

Nope, your account can be edited by you at any stage. You can change everything; address, phone number, card details etc. This allows you to be completely independent when it comes to your ticket purchases, which means you can spend more time enjoying the gigs you love and less time on the blower to customer services.

You will only need to notify Gigantic of changes to your account if changes occur while you are waiting for a ticket order to be dispatched. If you fail to notify us of changes in this instance your tickets will not get sent to your new address and Gigantic will not be held accountable if these tickets go missing.

How do I change my address on an order?

If you have a Gigantic account, you will be able to change your delivery address there so long as the tickets haven't been disaptched. If you didn't make your order through a Gigantic account, just send our CS team an email and they will get the address changed for you!

How do I delete my account?

Just send us an email on and one of the team will close your account for you! This process can take up to 28 days.