An image for Sleaford Mods - The Moonshine Sessions

Sleaford Mods - The Moonshine Sessions

By Jimi Arundell

Posted on Thursday 10th January 2019 at 09:00

An image for Sleaford Mods - The Moonshine Sessions

Welcome to the Moonshine Sessions! Gigantic is passionate about music and, together with our partners Alchemistic Records, we bring you live performances from the world’s most exciting acts.

The Moonshine Sessions are recorded live  in the heart of Nottingham, well known for its fertile creative soil producing a wonderfully diverse music scene rich in homegrown talent whilst also attracting the very best performing acts from near and far.

We invite our artists whilst on tour to come to ROFL Audio for special one-off shows, plus showcase the very best local musicians to take advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities, to capture an intimate and revealing performances which shows just what makes them so unique and impressive.

This week we are delighted to bring you Sleaford Mods! Featuring the articulate yet belligerent rage of Jason Williamson plus his partner in crime Andrew Fearn, the pair survey the decaying ruins of BREXIT Britain and give their testimony of how the powers that be are to blame, their account of how lives are being squandered through mismanagement and how modern life is basically a bit naff.


Stick In A 5 And Go


Bang Someone Out

Like and Subscribe Moonshine over on our YouTube Channel. And found out more here:

The Moonshine Sessions

Alchemistic Records


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