Festivals and Outdoor Events: Tips for a Fantastic Experience No Matter The Weather

By Bethan Boast

Posted on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 16:00

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Festivals and outdoor events epitomise summer fun, offering a unique blend of music, art, and culture. Here at Gigantic Tickets, we’ve got a huge number of unmissable outdoor summer concerts taking place this year, and there’s bound to be at least one gig that takes your fancy.

However, as any seasoned festival-goer knows, unpredictable weather can quickly turn a perfect day into a soggy mess. But, fear not! With some strategic planning and the right mindset, you can be well-prepared for any weather conditions and have an unforgettable time at outdoor events.

So get your checklist ready and take a read through our essential guide to surviving the UK’s outdoor event season, you won’t regret it.

Look Ahead and Be Prepared for All Weather Conditions

As the festival season approaches, it's essential to be ready for whatever Mother Nature throws your way. From blazing sun to unexpected downpours, the excitement of enjoying live music and art in the great outdoors shouldn't be dampened by the weather.

By following these top tips, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for all scenarios and have a fantastic time at any outdoor event.

Top Tips for Festival-Goers

  1. Check the Weather Forecast: Festival weather can be as unpredictable as the UK train schedule, so stay informed. And remember, it can change right up to the day of the event, so don’t get caught out having only checked the forecast once!
  2. Pack Appropriate Clothing: Layering is key; bring lightweight, breathable fabrics for hot days and warmer options for cooler evenings. Don't forget a waterproof jacket or poncho in case of rain.
  3. Bring Essential Accessories: Bring sun cream, a hat, sunglasses, and a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated. Nothing can ruin a great day out more than sunburn or sunstroke! 

Pack & Dress Appropriately for All Climates

Being ready for all weather conditions at a festival is crucial for staying comfortable and enjoying the experience. The UK climate can change quickly and dramatically throughout the day and into the evening, so it’s essential to pack a variety of clothing that suits all kinds of weather.

If you’re going for the day, you might only need to worry about bringing a spare jacket in your bag. But, for longer events and weekend festivals, you’ll need to strike a balance of packing light enough to travel with and ensuring you’re sufficiently prepared. 

How to Prepare

  1. Layer Clothing: Easily adjust your outfit as temperatures fluctuate to stay comfortable throughout the day by wearing layers that can be added and removed as necessary.
  2. Waterproofing Strategies: Pack a reliable waterproof jacket or reusable rain poncho and store your essentials in waterproof bags. A broken, waterlogged phone is the last thing you need, so consider a phone pouch to keep it safe and dry.
  3. Footwear Considerations: Choose sturdy, comfortable shoes that can handle muddy and wet conditions, and bring extra socks to keep your feet dry. Don’t forget to break any new shoes in before you get there - nobody wants to spend the weekend walking around with blisters on their feet!

Prioritise Health and Safety to Ensure an Amazing Time

To ensure an amazing time at outdoor events this summer, prioritise hydration, sun protection, and safety. Attending outdoor gigs and festivals can mean enduring a long day of being out and about in an unfamiliar environment, so it’s important to remember to stay safe, look after one another, and take care of your health.

Make sure to prioritise keeping yourself and your friends safe, as changeable weather can often cause unexpected obstacles and difficulties.

Tips for Enjoying Events Safely

  1. Hydration and Sun Protection: Carry a reusable water bottle and familiarise yourself with water points to stay hydrated. Apply sunscreen frequently to protect your skin from harmful UV rays and wear a hat to protect yourself from sunstroke.
  2. Familiarise Yourself with the Event Layout: Identify key navigation points and establish meeting spots with your friends for easy regrouping. Look out for nearby welfare stations, toilets and information points. You never know when you might need them.
  3. Safety Considerations: Keep an eye on your belongings, stay aware of your surroundings, and have a plan for emergencies. Be sure to look after yourself, and be considerate to others around you.

Embracing the festival experience means fully immersing yourself in the music, atmosphere, and camaraderie. Remember, unexpected moments often become the most memorable.

Whether dancing in the rain or basking in the sun, a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt will ensure you have an unforgettable time. Enjoy the festival to the fullest and make lasting memories!

Check out our comprehensive list of this year's biggest and best outdoor summer shows!

The Ticket To You Biggest Summer Yet